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Lean Daily Management Consulting

Perform daily lean practices, audit, and display results for teams


Lean Daily Management helps us to know on a daily basis if we are on/off track in meeting our goals. Includes checking processes and results that will help us to better serve our customers. Goals are to hardwire and sustain best practices by creating visual management tools that will display current state to show if we are meeting our goals. Plan is to go and visit organizations, walk out and document processes, creating standard work processes and instructions, determine how we can eliminate wastes to become more streamlined, efficient, and effective. Once we eliminate inefficiencies, wastes, and defects from cells, units, locations, etc., we will maintain and sustain current state by auditing our daily practices. Build audits and audit schedules so that other leaders can walk our processes to look for any wastes. If found, those would be reported to the "owner" of a cell, area, unit, location. We will track and trend, safety, quality, cost, attendance and whatever else the organization needs to track to become a lean organization.

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